Resolutions 2018: More mindfulness, leisure and focus
There is no doubt that the year 2017 was a challenging one. Although my new motto “Rebel without a pause” was only meant as an allusion to the James Dean classic “Rebel without a cause”, it is a good summary of the past year. Pauselessly (and sometimes breathlessly) in action for the family with our two fortunately very lively girls on the one hand and the agile transformation of BMW Group IT on the other hand, briefly interrupted by the posting here in the blog (yes, this can also be done on the smartphone while you are waiting for the daughter to fall asleep) and the discussions on Twitter, LinkedIn (and this is also possible in the meantime) and our internal Enterprise Social Network (also incidentally, of course). Rainer Janssen recently remarked on LinkedIn that “without a pause” is thought-provoking, because “it takes time to keep one’s own mind agile, creative and empathetic”. I can only agree with that and I will strive for more mindfulness, leisure and focus for the year 2018.
Theoretically, like most others, I realize that multitasking is ineffective and only means “screwing up a lot of things at the same time” (Erwin Koch). And yet all too often I fall into the pattern of busyness, sitting in poorly prepared meetings where I neither contribute nor learn anything. Instead of leaving them consequently or better yet questioning them beforehand, I do my e-mails or social media. Ot at home I let Twitter and LinkedIn disturb readily the scarce time with my family.
There are more important things in life than constantly increasing its speed.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
There’s a time for everything and everything needs its time. To confront the perceived acceleration by mutltitasking is therefore not part of the solution, but part of the problem. I will pay even more attention to mindfulness and focus in 2018. I only participate in meetings if it makes sense, which means to me that I can contribute or learn something. And if I participate, then properly and without calls or e-mails, but prepared for it. When I write e-mails, I write e-mails. When I write articles, I write articles and when I discuss in social media, I discuss. Nothing else.
And then you have to have time to just sit there and look at yourself!
~ Astrid Lindgren
For this, however, there is a need for freedom, i. e. an appointment must not chase the next one or at least not too many of them should be lined up without a break. But this freedom is only given to those who consistently say “no”. This, in turn, requires clarity as to what one wants to say “yes”, in other words it requires a feeling for the importance of the almost infinite possibilities. But the restless activity of multitasking prevents this clarity. So it really takes time to break out of this vicious circle and keep the mind clear, focused and creative and thus to take effective action. With this in mind, and with the inspiring words of Warren Buffet, I look forward to a mindful 2018 in which we will experience and move a lot jointly!
Surround yourself with people that push you to do and be better. No drama or negativity. Just higher goals and higher motivation. Good times and positive energy. No jealousy or hate. Simply bringing out the absolute best in each other.
~ Warren Buffet via Twitter
This story originally appeared in my (mostly german) blog “Führung erfahren!”