Manifesto for Human(e) Leadership: The Book
A year ago, I published the six theses of the Manifesto for Human Leadership on this blog. The response was overwhelming. Almost 600 people have signed the Manifesto since, I have had countless inspiring conversations, talks and workshops. And, of course, I have continued to think and write about the different theses and leadership in general. Therefore, I take this anniversary as an opportunity to publish the manifesto in detail as a small book at Leanpub.
At some point in January 2017, during our agile transformation of BMW Group IT, we asked ourselves how leadership in an agile organization had to change. If self-organization is the central principle of agility, we wondered what role the “boss” plays. We therefore invited different hierarchical levels from the vice president to the employee to explore this question together in the sense of mutual expectations between hierarchy and self-organizing team.
The result were many many sticky notes and the idea to summarize them in the style of the famous Manifesto for Agile Software Development. The many good impulses from the workshop had an effect on me and so I developed thesis by thesis via Twitter and LinkedIn in public dialogue. On February 8th last year, I finally was able to summarize and publish the six theses on the Manifesto for Human Leadership.
In the course of the last year I have further elaborated the thoughts behind the theses and many that complement them well here in the blog. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the Manifesto I decided to publish all this as a small book on Leanpub (there is also a German version). And the best: You can choose the price yourself! I am always looking forward to feedback and impulses on the one hand and, of course, to a broad dissemination of the book on the other.
Spread the word!
Originally published at on February 7, 2019.